前言:先把坑挖好。 想到哪儿算哪儿,先罗列材料,再调整结构。目标6月内完成。
The author narrates his personal experience of surviving the 60-day "pandemic" lockdown in Shanghai, starting from April 1 to May 30, 2022, and shares his observations and reflections during that time.
He describes the various difficulties and inconveniences he faced amid the lockdown and the constantly changing rules and regulations imposed by the government.
He also criticized the unresponsive government and its inadequate response to the needs of the citizens.
The author records his struggles, the numerous COVID-19 tests heunderwent, and the emotional breakdowns he experienced.
He provides a list of factual records and his personal journey of self-reflection during the lockdown.
The catalog of records includes the health cloud system's collapse, dynamic zero-covid control, and the difficulties faced by patients and residents during the initial phase of the lockdown.
五月三十日,【上海發布】 |
圖1 全記錄 |
· 封控區(足不出戶)31天
- 事實記錄
- 心路歷程
如 3.20 封48小时“因雷暴”再延期一日
如 鴛鴦鍋分片封四天,突變全城N天。
如 劃好的三區並不按照時間而層層加碼(見圖1)
如 已被封禁的四月之聲。
如 由民間發起整理的守滬者-上海医疗求助QQ文檔 (自救!救人!)
To be continued ⋯